Monday- I babysat some rowdy kids in Apache Junction (I got very lost trying to drive there) for about 5 hours and crashed.
Tuesday- Same as Monday. Only I didn't get lost and I got a membership to a gym. Only I haven't used it yet.
Wednesday- LEFT FOR GIRLS CAMP. I was a YCL this year, so it was crazy and I had to do a lot of stuff.
Thursday- Saturday- Was occupied at Girls Camp and came home Saturday very unhappy, unwilling to listen to anything anyone wanted me to do, and absolutely filthy.
Some tidbits about Girls Camp: I was bruised, bitten, and burned, but it was an overall good experience. My friend woke me up in the middle of the night (that was scary) because she had to go to the bathroom and I went on a hike that almost made me unrecognizable. It was very scary and one girl almost fell off the cliff. Some girls from another ward also broke our addie window and scared some people to death, and I also learned that some trees smell like vanilla. Fun fun.
In other news, Happy Birthday to my sister Becky who just turned 20. Love you! And Happy Father's Day to my awesome dad.

Awesome is right! Thanks Lindsay.