Besides becoming obsessed about playing croquet with Ben, I have been fulfilling my promise to myself so far. On Saturday, I had a rather challenging piano recital. I was playing Moonlight Sonata, which is probably the most challenging piece I've ever played. It may sound simple, but it is a lot harder than it sounds- octave stretches the whole song, runs, and 4 sharps. It's a demon; but I love it. Thankfully, despite the challenge, I performed well, and I only made minor mistakes that I don't think anyone picked up. I also did a lot of chores on Saturday ( I PROMISE that I won't go into detail) and because of my willingness to do my chores, Mom let me go shopping. Which I did, and I got some great deals, may I say. Then me and Ben started watching the Harry Potter series, and I made dinner- fabulous, I love pasta. Successful day.
Today, me and Ben again watched Harry Potter, # 3. Then I went job hunting. I hate it, so far. I applied at Target, Subway, the Dry Cleaners (doubtful), and I'm going to apply at Payless Shoes and perhaps Wendy's. I despise fast food, I might have a hard time. I also went grocery shopping with Mother. I had forgotten how much I can convince her to buy when I am there; I did feel a little remorse. Project 2&3- Success!
By the way, the picture is just what me and Ben have been up too. You know. The usual.