Monday, May 31, 2010

Project 2&3

Besides becoming obsessed about playing croquet with Ben, I have been fulfilling my promise to myself so far. On Saturday, I had a rather challenging piano recital. I was playing Moonlight Sonata, which is probably the most challenging piece I've ever played. It may sound simple, but it is a lot harder than it sounds- octave stretches the whole song, runs, and 4 sharps. It's a demon; but I love it. Thankfully, despite the challenge, I performed well, and I only made minor mistakes that I don't think anyone picked up. I also did a lot of chores on Saturday ( I PROMISE that I won't go into detail) and because of my willingness to do my chores, Mom let me go shopping. Which I did, and I got some great deals, may I say. Then me and Ben started watching the Harry Potter series, and I made dinner- fabulous, I love pasta. Successful day.
Today, me and Ben again watched Harry Potter, # 3. Then I went job hunting. I hate it, so far. I applied at Target, Subway, the Dry Cleaners (doubtful), and I'm going to apply at Payless Shoes and perhaps Wendy's. I despise fast food, I might have a hard time. I also went grocery shopping with Mother. I had forgotten how much I can convince her to buy when I am there; I did feel a little remorse. Project 2&3- Success!
By the way, the picture is just what me and Ben have been up too. You know. The usual.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Project #1- Croquet with Ben

Right after I had put croquet down as one of the things I wanted to do, my brother Ben asked me if I wanted to play a game of, what d'ya know, croquet. So I said yes, and he set it up for us to play. I was kinda scared because I definitely have not played since I was a LOT younger. But, I decided to give it my best shot. Literally.
(The picture at right is before we played.) Ben had to explain the rules to me after I told him that I was pro. He didn't believe me. The picture above is my first try- it went a little off. It took forever to get out of the rocks. Ben was a little smug about how good he was, and the game ended with Ben at 3 and me at 2 after what he called "luck." My summer project is underway!

The Project

This summer might possibly be boring. I'm trying to find a job, but if that doesn't work out, I'm not going to just sit around doing nothing this summer. I actually want to do something and have stories to tell!

So, that in consideration, I have decided that I am going to be motivated, try new things, and do something fun, different, and positive everyday of summer. (Except Sunday, of course) But I know that even if I make this goal, I might not carry it out. That is where the blogging part of it comes in- it will motivate me to actually carry out my genius plan. I did steal a little thunder from Julie & Julia, but if this keeps me occupied, then I don't feel so bad about copying. I told my mom about my idea, and she said to me: "I know what you could do. You could do the dishwasher! No, really. That's your chore."

But I will not be blogging about insignificant things like my chores- and I might not blog everyday, but I will put several days into one blog post. Here are some of my ideas that I hope to do before the summer is out:
1. Go stargazing
2. Make a scrapbook
3. Make a delicious dinner
4. Play croquet
5. Ride a tandem bike
6. Have a Tea Party
7. Read at least 3 Utopian Novels.
8. Go to a Museum
9. Learn a new song on the piano
10. Discover new things!